Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome to My Space

Exhibition @ the Middle East Club in Cambridge on 10-26-07 for the Boston One Voice Echo, an event to support peace efforts between the Palestinians and Israelis.

...exhibition theme:
You may call it Mecca, the Holy Land or Bethlehem. Walden Pond if you're a Transcendentalist. Atheist? Agnostic? You have yours, too. It just might be that hidden bench from [your town here] that over looks a dazzling view...where certain things happened that you'd never tell your Mom about. All of these exemplify the sacred spaces where people from all backgrounds congregate, collide, and make attempts to coincide. Despite the collage of footprints amongst our own that blaze trails along our little wedges of sanctity, we still have managed to root some part of ourselves into the soil. As time grows on, this patch of land becomes sentimental. This art exhibit explores the concept of Jerusalem and other "Holy Lands" that people have cultivated as their own. These spaces are not about the land or sea, but the seeds of identity, belonging, and history (ancestral or personal) that we have planted within them. The exhibit brings to the viewer's consciousness a glimpse of the complexities that come with sharing one's own space for the sake of peace.

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